Does your organisation need to manage and maintain an NDIS incident register? Setting up an online dedicated portal for NDIS incidents allows you to better manage and track incident occurrences and provide the proof of reporting, investigation, action and due diligence around incident reports.

There can be many different types of incidents that can occur that need to be reported as well as near misses and close calls. For compliance with NDIS requirements, you an organisation may also need to provide proof of having an incident reporting process in place.

Establishing an NDIS incident management system also enables you to setup a mechanism for NDIS participants under your management to be able to report incidents directly:

- an incident report form for NDIS participants to use and report occurrences
- an incident report form for NDIS workers to report incidents when conducting their work
- dedicated NDIS incident register

Incident management is all about ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals with disabilities who are receiving support services under the NDIS. It's a crucial aspect of providing quality care and support, and it involves responding to and managing any incidents or accidents that may occur during the delivery of NDIS-funded services. So, whether you're a participant, carer, support worker, or service provider involved in the NDIS, understanding how incident management works is essential for creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved.

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Typical NDIS Incident Reporting Process

A NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) incident reporting process commonly includes:

- What happened, why did it happen. NDIS guidelines. There are many different types of incidents such as abuse, neglect, unreasonable use of force, accidents, injuries, or any other event that has caused, or could have caused harm to a participant

- Reporting protocol: establishing a clear process for reporting incidents which might include who should report an incident and how to report it and the time frame within which incidents should be reported

- Immediate response: how was the incident addressed immediately after occurrence? activities and actions might include involving contacting emergency services, providing necessary medical attention, or separating the participant from any immediate harm

- Incident investigation: outline the steps for investigating incidents thoroughly and objectively which might involve gathering all relevant information, interviewing witnesses, reviewing documentation and records, and conducting regular meetings to discuss the progress of the investigation

- Support for participants: ensuring that participants who have experienced an incident are provided with appropriate support such as medical assistance, counseling services, access to advocacy or legal support, and assistance in finding alternative services if necessary


No two organisations are the same, it's critical that your NDIS incident management software reflects what you need for your specific workplace and custom requirements of your NDIS participants.
Try out the demo above and see how your NDIS incident management process looks via our dedicated emergency management platform. We've got templates, form builders, registries, communication tools and much more!

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Create your first Incident Report form or choose from our form templates and start recording incidents in the field